
I'm from China,but now I am living America.

I'm from China,but now I am living America.

Yes! I have. What do you want to do? :ht37:  
[img]http://cn.yimg.com/sp/slideshow/ent/e20050413g145349t8-a.jpg [/img] ※〓咪婆〓※


I'm from China,but now I am living America.

We can chat on line if you like~my msn is:


I'm from China,but now I am living America.

Ok! I'd love to see yours.
I have a other question! The U.S.A and Canada are some time or not? :ht29:  
[img]http://cn.yimg.com/sp/slideshow/ent/e20050413g145349t8-a.jpg [/img] ※〓咪婆〓※


I'm from China,but now I am living America.

Chinesepower:I already went to your website,but I am confusing now.In there,have too many chats,home,peers,lifestyles or more,which one I should be choose? Can you tell me?
Thanks! :ht25:  :ht09:
[img]http://cn.yimg.com/sp/slideshow/ent/e20050413g145349t8-a.jpg [/img] ※〓咪婆〓※


I'm from China,but now I am living America.

Hi ! I sill waiting for you,but you still not coming back.So I have to go to sleep,cause I am so tired,tomorrow I have to go to school at 7:30,so early,so Bye!
I hope can see you tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[img]http://cn.yimg.com/sp/slideshow/ent/e20050413g145349t8-a.jpg [/img] ※〓咪婆〓※


I'm from China,but now I am living America.

surely he will see ur words later,  u two are both abroad and almost in the same
time area, so u can often chat together here. By the way, i'd like to know whether u are in a middle school or a university of U.S.A. Would u please tell me something about your school and yourself?
Waiting for ur reply
[img] http://bbsimg.lixiaolu.org/usr/3/3_8836_74.jpg [/img]


I'm from China,but now I am living America.

I don't know if we are in the same time area,it doesn't matter. Oh,that thing that I gave to you was not my website address.That was my email.Do you have an email,can you tell me? If I get ur email,I will sent u an inventation email,and after you check it you will know what to do.


I'm from China,but now I am living America.

Ok! I got you!I can tell you my E-mail address:Kwendy@comcast.net! Get it? :ht06:
[img]http://cn.yimg.com/sp/slideshow/ent/e20050413g145349t8-a.jpg [/img] ※〓咪婆〓※


I'm from China,but now I am living America.

OK,already sent u email,go and check it~


I'm from China,but now I am living America.

I already saw that!Thank you! But now I want to talk to you! :ht05:
[img]http://cn.yimg.com/sp/slideshow/ent/e20050413g145349t8-a.jpg [/img] ※〓咪婆〓※


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